Item #: 005826435

Return to Me - Bible Study Book

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Return to Me Bible Study Book includes printed content for an introductory session and seven additional weekly sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, supplementary tools for personal renewal, a pastor/leader guide, personal journal space, a renewal group guide, and daily examples of how a person or church can repent and return to the Lord.

Six out of ten Protestant churches are stagnant in growth or declining in attendance.* Between 3,850 and 10,000 congregations close their doors each year. Southern Baptists alone have lost an average of 835 churches per year over the last ten years†. Most congregations in North America need spiritual renewal.

God cares more than anyone about the health and welfare of His churches, and He urged: “Return to me, and I will return to you” (Mal. 3:7). Scripture describes what God intends His people to be and how they are to function on mission with Him. God confronts His people with the plumb line of Scripture and pleads with them to return to their full potential in Him.

Return to Me can help a congregation examine themselves, repent of their sins, and return to the Lord. Participants will be encouraged by “faith builders” from Scripture, history, and contemporary experience and receive needed direction to realize restored life and vitality.

* Lifeway Research 3/6/2019
† SBC Annual Reports 2010-2019, offset by the addition of new church plants and new to SBC existing churches

Session topics: (7 weeks of content, 5 days/week, 8 group sessions)
1. Introductory Session
2. Week 1: Return to Me
3. Week 2: Love God
4. Week 3: Love Others
5. Week 4: Surrender All
6. Week 5: Be Transformed
7. Week 6: Join God’s Mission
8. Week 7: Glorify God

Daily Titles:
Day 1: Prepare the Bride
Day 2: Return to the Lord
Day 3: Return to God’s Design
Day 4: Bow the Knee
Day 5: Demonstrate Your Changed Life
Day 6: Pursue a Wholehearted Love
Day 7: Return to Your First Love
Day 8: Make Sure You Are in the Faith
Day 9: Remove the Idols from Your Heart
Day 10: Obey Him Because of Love
Day 11: Love One Another in Tangible Ways
Day 12: Love a Lost World
Day 13: Spur One Another on to Love and Good Deeds
Day 14: Maintain the Unity of the Spirit
Day 15: Forgive One Another and Reconcile Relationships
Day 16: Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness
Day 17: Deny Yourself, Take Up Your Cross, and Follow Christ
Day 18: Humble Yourself and Put Away Pride
Day 19: Follow Jesus’ Example of Service
Day 20: Restore Jesus Christ as Head of His Church
Day 21: Be Transformed into the Image of Christ
Day 22: Be Holy as God Is Holy
Day 23: Purify Yourselves and Put Away Sexual Immorality
Day 24: Seek God’s Help to Control Your Words
Day 25: Be Filled with the Holy Spirit
Day 26: Repent and Obey Christ’s Final Command
Day 27: Become a House of Prayer for the Nations
Day 28: Function as the Body of Christ
Day 29: Let Down Your Nets for a Catch
Day 30: Manage Well the Resources God Has Entrusted to You
Day 31: Live a Worthy Life that Brings God Glory
Day 32: Worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth
Day 33: Abide in Christ and Bear Much Lasting Fruit
Day 34: Declare His Glory to the Nations
Day 35: Present Your Body as a Living Sacrifice

● Eight small-group sessions
● Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
● Supplementary tools for personal or group renewal

● Restore life and vitality to your church if it’s plateaued, declining, or even dying.
● Understand God’s design for His people individually and His churches corporately.
● Purify the bride of Christ by removing personal and corporate blemishes.
● Return to a first love for God and, in turn, a love for others.
● Surrender fully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
● Submit to a spiritual transformation into the image of Jesus Christ, God’s Son.
● Join God’s mission of making disciples of all peoples.
● Function as a body and grow into maturity as every member does his or her part.
● Manage well the resources God has entrusted to you.
● Live a worthy life that brings glory to God.
● Declare God’s glory and tell of His mighty deeds to the nations.


Age Minimum
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Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Study Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources