As a pastor for more than 30 years, Dr. Jimmy Draper has been a keen observer of what works and what doesn't in the leadership of churches. He has put his expertise to work to share five potential trouble spots in the life of a pastor.

Perform an inventory to make sure you are not falling prey to any of these potentially damaging land mines:


This is a very sensitive area. When a minister hires his wife, siblings, children, spouses of his children, etc., it opens up some areas of concern. I believe it is inappropriate unless it comes as a demand from the church itself.

Co-mingling of funds

It is unlawful and inappropriate to use designated funds for budget expenses, or in any other way taking funds intended for one purpose and using it for another.

Misuse of church credit card

It is wrong for a pastor to use the church credit card for personal expenses or in excess of the limit the church has stipulated.

Misuse of church resources

It is wrong for a pastor to use church resources for personal projects whether on home property or any other personal endeavor. This is especially inappropriate when no reimbursement is made to the church.

Misuse of pastoral authority

It is inappropriate for a pastor to make decisions arbitrarily about new endeavors, missions, etc., without church discussion and approval. One example would be to take up offerings for unauthorized projects.