About this Item
The simple revolution is here. From the design of Apple products to Google's uncluttered homepage, simple ideas are changing the world.
Now in paperback, multi-awarded #1 national bestseller Simple Church guides Christians back to the simple gospel-sharing methods of Jesus. No bells or whistles required. With insights based on case studies of 400 American churches, Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger prove the disciple-making process is often too complex. Simple churches thrive by taking four ideas to heart:
Clarity. Movement. Alignment. Focus.
Simple Church examines each idea, clearly showing why it is time to simplify. This updated trade paper edition includes a new chapter with further insights the authors have gained through hundreds of conversations with church leaders since this landmark book's original release.
- Format
- eBook
- ISBN10
- 1433673533
- ISBN13
- 9781433673535
- Language
- English
- Number of Pages
- 296
- Packaging Height
- 0.75
- Packaging Length
- 9
- Packaging Width
- 6
- Product Group
- Books
- Product Type
- Non-Fiction
- Publication Date
- 2010-11-18
- Publisher
- B&H Publishing Group