Volume 10: From Many People to One People 

The Gospel Project is a chronological study of Scripture that helps adults dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Our winter study is From Many People to One People. God so loved the world that He sent His Son into the world to save the world, to die for our sins and rise again, just as He had foretold. And then the resurrected Savior sent His people into the world to share this good news. Yet He did not send them out alone.

God the Son promised to be with them, so He sent them God the Spirit, who would give them words, power, and boldness to proclaim His gospel. In this way, the church was born and the church grew, just as it does today. God takes sinners saved by grace through faith and joins them with His one people to serve Jesus together, to love one another, and to share His good news with many more. (13 sessions)

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