Verification Searches - Frequently Asked Questions

While the majority of background checks have a focus on uncovering criminal records, some positions require scrutiny of other aspects of a person’s past and the claims they make and Clear Investigative Advantage can help you verify these claims. Below some common limitations and questions are addressed 

Can you just search the web to find all past education and all past and current employers?

No, such search options do not exist. 

Can you provide an employment history using only the individuals Social Security Number?

No, information used to verify employment varies by employer. Some employers may not store employee records according to Social Security Number. To verify a specific employment history we require the following information:

  • Subject First and Last Name

  • Subject Date of Birth

  • Subject Social Security Number

  • Employer Name *If you worked as a temp or contractor please include Temporary Agency name

  • Employer City

  • Employer State

  • Employer Telephone Number

  • Position Held

  • Employment Dates (Start and End-mm/yyyy)

What do you do if the past employer refuses to speak to you or doesn’t exist anymore?

As a last resort we can contact the subject of your search and ask them provide us with a copy of their W-2 for the period of their employment and use that to verify the key aspects of their employment history. 

What information do you need in order to perform an Education verification?

  • Subject First and Last Name

  • Subject Date of Birth

  • Subject Social Security Number

  • School Name IMPORTANT: Please be sure to put the full name of the school. In particular, be careful with the use of abbreviations that could stand for several different schools.

  • School City

  • School State

  • Degree

  • Name Used While Attending

  • Attendance Dates

What do you do if the school refuses to release the information?

As a last resort we can contact the subject of your search and ask them provide us with a copy of their diploma. 

Do I need to have a copy of the license or certificate to order a verification?

No, you do not need a copy, but we do ask for the name of the issuing organization, the license number, license type, state of issuance, date the license or certificate was issue and when it expires. 

Can you verify all past employers, education, and licenses on a subject's resume with one search?

No, for each education and employer you want to verify you have to submit a separate search. 

Clear Investigative Advantage will be happy to consult with your ministry or organization in order to determine the best background searches for your individual needs. Discounts are only available to organizations that sign up via the Lifeway website. Additional background screening products are available after sign up.

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