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Kids Experiencing God at Home Digital Leader Kit



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Kids Experiencing God at Home - Kids Edition will help kids discover how they can experience God in their everyday lives. Based on the writings of Henry Blackaby and the seven realities of Experiencing God, the Experiencing God at Home, Kids Edition Leader Kit is packed with fun games and activities designed to show kids how they can discover and join God in His work. Now includes Kids Activity Book too!

Topics include:
Overview of Experiencing God; Explore the seven realities of Experiencing God
God is always at work around me
God wants a personal relationship with me
God wants me to be a part of His work
God will show me His plan and purpose for my life
I can choose to join God in His work
I must be willing to make changes in my life to follow God’s plan
I can know God more by obeying Him and letting Him work in my life
Recap of the study (optional session)

Session 1: The Adventure Begins
Bible Passage: John 5:17,19-24 (Jesus, God's Son)
Bible Truth: When we enter into a relationship with God, He invites us to an adventure in which we can be part of His work and experience Him in amazing ways.
Life Application: I can know God and be a part of the adventure of working with Him.
Key Verse: Jeremiah 29:13

Session 2: The Adventure Begins
Bible Passage (Elijah and His Servant): 2 Kings 6:8-23
Bible Truth: God is always at work around me.
Life Application: I can ask God to show me where He is at work around me, and how I can be involved in what He is doing.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 31:8

Session 3: God Loves Me
Bible Passage (Jesus and the Children): Mark 10:13-16
Bible Truth: God wants a personal relationship with me.
Life Application: I can know God loves me and wants a relationship with me.
Key Verse: John 3:16

Session 4: God Wants Me to Be a Part of His Work
Bible Passage (A Little Boy and His Lunch): John 6:1-15
Bible Truth: God wants me to be a part of His work.
Life Application: I can learn to recognize when God is inviting me to be a part of what He is doing.
Key Verse: Ephesians 2:10

Session 5: God Speaks, I Listen
Bible Passage (God Calls Samuel): 1 Samuel 3:1-11,19
Bible Truth: God speaks and shows me what He wants me to do.
Life Application: I can hear God speaking to me personally and know He will show me what He wants me to do.
Key Verse: Jeremiah 29:11

Session 6: I Must Have Faith
Bible Passage (David and Goliath): 1 Samuel 16–17
Bible Truth: I must have faith and take action to follow God and join in His work.
Life Application: When God shows me something He wants me to do, I must believe He will help me and then do what He says in order to see Him use me.
Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 28:20a

Session 7: Adjusting to God's Plan
Bible Passage (Naaman): 2 Kings 5:1-16
Bible Truth: I must be willing to make changes in my life to follow God's plan.
Life Application: When I understand God’s truth and what He is saying to me, I must be willing to change my attitudes and actions to follow His plan.
Key Verse: Matthew 6:33

Session 8: Experiencing God
Bible Passage (Daniel and His Friends): Daniel 1 and 3
Bible Truth: I experience God and know Him better when I obey Him and do what He says.
Life Application: When God speaks and I obey Him, I will learn more about God and experience His power in my life.
Key Verse: John 14:23

Session 9: The Choice Is Mine
Bible Passage (King Joash and King Josiah): 2 Kings 12:2; 23:25; 2 Chronicles 24; 34—35
Bible Truth: I can experience God working in my life.
Life Application: I can choose to be a part of God's plans for my life.
Key Verse: Hebrews 11:6


Age Max
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Case Quantity
Digital Bundle
Kids Multi-Age
Product Group
Bible Study
Product Type
Leader/Facilitator Guide
Publication Date
Lifeway Christian Resources