Women's Leadership Forum

Women's Leadership Forum

November 7-8, 2024

Long Hollow Church  |  Hendersonville, TN (Nashville)

3031 Long Hollow Pike, Hendersonville, TN 37075

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2024 Theme: Whole

Mark 12:30 - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength."

Platform Speakers

More speakers coming soon.

Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin

Kelly Minter

Kelly Minter

Elizabeth Woodson

Steve Cuss

Steve Cuss

Julie Woodruff

Julie Woodruff

Get Equipped to Carry Out Your Calling

Let’s face it: the call to leadership can be a challenge. Whether you’re leading in the church or the workplace, as a volunteer or as a staff member, at Lifeway Women’s Leadership Forum you’ll gain skills and strategies to grow as a leader wherever God has planted you. After two days of training with real-life application from seasoned leaders, you’ll leave feeling equipped and encouraged to continue walking boldly into God’s call for your life.

At Forum you will:

  • Gain spiritual refreshment sitting under the teaching of of today’s top ministry leaders and authors

  • Refocus your heart by worshipping alongside hundreds of women who are in the trenches of leadership along with you

  • Learn a wide variety of leadership skills and strategies through more than 20 personalized breakout sessions led by experienced leaders

  • Find community among peers who, like you, are ministering in the local church, the workplace, and their homes


To register by phone, call 800.254.2022

*Group tickets must be purchased together in one transaction to qualify for discounted price and other bonuses.

Individual Registration


per ticket

Group Registration


per ticket

  • Sign up as a group of 5+ to receive a discount. 

Bring A Young Leader to Forum!

As a leader, you know the importance of mentoring. Is there a young leader you know who would benefit from attending Forum? Each year, we offer 100 young leader tickets for just $50! Here’s how you qualify for this deal:

  • Young leader ticket must be purchased with a full price (or early bird) Forum 2024 ticket

  • The young leader must be under 35

  • The young leader must never have attended a Women’s Forum event

To take advantage of this offer, call Events Registration at 800.254.2022.

Breakout Speakers

View Breakout Sessions

Courtney Veasey

Dr. Lilly Park

Amanda Mejias

Amanda Mejias

Caroline Saunders

Michelle R. Hicks

Heather Johnson

Kathy Howard

Kathy Howard

Karen Ehman

Vickey Banks

Catherine Renfro

Dr. Eunice J. Chung

Sara Robinson

Dr. Sara Robinson

Mary Wiley

Ashley Marivittori Gorman

Tina Boesch


Thursday, November 7

  • 8:30 -9:30 am Registration Opens

  • 9:30-10:45 am General Session 1

  • 10:45-11:15 am Break

  • 11:15-12:15 pm Breakout 1

  • 12:15-1:30 pm Lunch provided

  • 1:00 pm Doors open

  • 1:30-3:30 pm General Session 2

  • 3:30-4:00 pm Break

  • 4:00-5:00 pm Breakout 2

  • 5:00-7:00 pm Dinner on your own

  • 6:30 pm Doors open

  • 7:00-8:30 pm General Session 3

  • 8:30 pm Dismiss

Friday, November 8

  • 8:30 am  Doors open 

  • 9:00-10:30 a.m.  General Session 4

  • 10:30-11:00 a.m.   Break 

  • 11:00 am-12:00 p.m.  Breakout 3 

  • 12:00-1:15 p.m.  Lunch provided  

  • 1:15-2:30 p.m.  Breakout Session 4

  • 2:30-3:15 p.m.  Break 

  • 3:15-4:15 p.m.  Breakout Session 5

  • 4:15-6:00 p.m.  Dinner on Your Own 

  • 6:00 p.m.  Doors Open 

  • 6:30-8:00 p.m.  General Session 5 

  • 8:00 p.m.  Dismiss


Booking Code: Women's Forum 2024

Cut-off dates apply.

Hyatt Place Nashville Hendersonville

$139 Single King or Queen / $149 Double

Distance: 6 miles

Hampton Inn Gallatin


Distance: 9 miles

Women's Forum Event Sponsors

Apply for 2024 Forum Sponsorship

Breakout Sessions

  • Meditation is all the rage in our society today, but what is meditation exactly? Biblical meditation is one of God’s greatest gifts for the Christian woman to grow unto greater Christlikeness, withstand hardship, and be strengthened in daily life. In this breakout, we will clarify what meditation is from a biblical standpoint, and discuss its riches, necessity, and practicality for the Christian life.

  • Sharing the hope of the gospel can seem daunting. Do I know enough? Am I bold enough? Can I lead women well in this area of ministry? As a follower of Jesus, God has given you and those you lead a ministry. 2 Corinthians 5:18 refers to this ministry as the ministry of reconciliation. Join Catherine Renfro as she discusses practical ways to leverage your life and the ministry area God has entrusted you to lead to not only make Jesus known, but to equip those you lead to do the same as they engage in the mission of God.

  • After struggling for decades with being addicted to the approval of others, Karen Ehman realized that the key is found in learning how to place what God says above what other people think. Join her and discover a spiritual strategy for properly pleasing God while still passionately loving people. This message will help you to: Discover how to live out your priorities despite the opinions and expectations of others Cultivate a strategy for knowing when to say yes and how to say no Implement boundaries with the pushers, pouters, guilt bombers and others who try to call the shots in your life Learn to navigate the tension between following God and loving the people around you.

  • Our bodies get lots of bad news, don't they? And yet, the gospel is not just good news for eternal life -- it's good news for everyday life. Join Caroline Saunders as she teaches a 7-part definition of the gospel and applies it to our bodies.

  • Do you feel a deep desire to write or publish a book or Bible study, but have no idea where to start? You aren't alone. Many writers want to understand the behind-the-scenes process of the publishing industry. Come and learn from Lifeway's experts in the areas of writing, editing, designing, and marketing in order to better serve your church and fulfill your dreams to publish your writing to a greater audience.

  • Conversations around church ministry often focus on the practical and programmatic and can tend toward an emphasis on the human minister’s responsibility (do more; do better; pray harder; etc). But is this focus the essence and purpose of Christian ministry? Join Kristen Padilla as she considers the purpose, content, and shape of ministry from the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. She will seek to answer questions such as: How does the gospel of Jesus Christ that we proclaim change the way we minister to others? What role does the Trinity play in our lives and ministries?

  • Guilt and shame could have devastating effects on our lives. How do we help women who are struggling with ongoing guilt or shame? The Bible provides wisdom on this important topic. This session will look at God’s wisdom for practical knowledge and skills.

  • Practical Help for Understanding God’s Word Do you feel confident when you sit down to read and study the Bible? Do you feel equipped to correctly understand – or even teach – God’s Word? This workshop will give you tools to properly read, interpret, and apply Scripture to your life. We will discuss the differences in Bible translations, how to observe a Bible passage, four key factors to help you interpret a passage, and more. You leave better equipped and more confident to approach the Bible.

  • Are you intentional about your spiritual growth? This interactive workshop will guide you to evaluate your current discipleship habits. Then you will set goals and strategies for the new year ahead. Only the Holy Spirit can bring growth, but He won’t do it without our obedient cooperation.

  • Idolatry isn’t confined to the Old Testament. Not only is it a struggle for us as leaders, but our teens battle it as well. In this session, we’ll discuss the idols teenagers are facing. We’ll discover how to help our teens identify their own idols and how to break free from them while living in the midst of culture.

  • Transformational leaders unselfishly inspire others and grow alongside those they serve. A survey of the Book of Hebrews will show how Christ modeled transformational leadership by valuing others. Learn the characteristics of transformational leaders and discover how to lead groups that exceed goals and expectations.

  • How often do you pause and take inventory of your ministry commitments and current life season? Are you good at knowing when to take on new responsibilities and when to step down? In this session, we will acknowledge what the Bible says about Sabbath rest and engage in conversation and personal reflection of our ministry service and seek godly wisdom to answer the question, is it time to rest up or ramp up?

  • Do you ever have trouble connecting the dots between God's Word and your everyday life? Learn a highly practical and easily passable tool for applying God's Word whether you are hearing, reading, studying or memorizing it. This workbook is highly interactive, so you will actually practice using it in class. This tool is a gift to your personal relationship with God and to helping others grow in theirs.

  • Let’s throw out our preconceived ideas of who we need to be and what we need to do to best help other women grow spiritually. Vickey brings 40+ years of discipling and mentoring experience to this session and is eager to share an exciting variety of encouragement, structured and unstructured methods, and practical resources. Let’s fish for women and equip them to do so too!

  • God created men and women uniquely and with complementary roles and responsibilities to work together for the Great Commission. Learning to serve alongside our brothers in Christ faithfully is essential to advancing God’s Kingdom on earth. In this breakout, we’ll identify strategies for building community among men and women at work and in the places we serve. You’ll also learn practical tips for engaging men in ways that honor God’s biblical design for our lives.

  • Public Bible teaching is more than public speaking. Leading others through the teaching of God’s Word requires attention to character as much as content and delivery. Whether new to public Bible teaching/speaking or a veteran to this ministry, attendees of this session will benefit from its practical insights and thoughtful discussion on the life and practice of the public Bible teacher.

  • Camaraderie—a term with French origins meaning “companionship, rich fellowship”—stems from the word “comrade,” or, “one who shares the same room.” Ministry teams certainly “share the same room,” and then some, as they serve together toward their respective missions. Team effectiveness and enjoyment often results from how such “sharing” takes place. This session equips attendees with a biblical and practical approach to cultivating camaraderie among teams and fostering an environment where work as well as lasting fellowship is the outcome.

  • There is no denying we are living in divided times. Everywhere we look in our culture, we see strife and discord being not only normalized, but rewarded. And the most heartbreaking part? This divisive culture of infighting has infiltrated the church. Maybe it has even infiltrated your church. Is there any good news for churches that are meant to be whole but find themselves torn apart? Yes, and that good news is the uniting, mending, and healing power of the Gospel—something the book of 1 Corinthians declares over the divided (and even embarrassing!) church in Corinth. One thing is for certain: if there’s gospel hope and healing available for the Corinthian church, there’s hope for the American one! Don’t just focus on becoming whole in a personal way with Jesus—important as that is. Come learn how the gospel can make your entire corporate gathering whole, no matter how broken or divided it may seem!

  • Have you ever flipped open your Bible and pointed to a verse, hoping God spoke to you through it? While there's never a moment spent in His Word this is not profitable, there are better ways than the flip-and-point to read the Bible. The Bible is a book, but it is also unlike any other book, piercing our hearts and illuminating our every step. Join us in this workshop as we practice reading God's Word literarily, curiously, theologically, and spiritually so that the Spirit might transform us through it and we might know and love God more deeply than before. Together, we'll learn how to read God's Word well, pray God's Word well, live God's Word well, and even teach God's Word well in this workshop.