Real life means real crises. How are believers to respond? The Christian response to crisis begins with God! The One who created us and redeemed us also sustains us throughout life - including times of crisis. Growth in grace and opportunity for ministry follow Christians in the wake of crises. For example, William Carey, the father of modern missions, left us a legacy of faithfulness to God. What he accomplished in terms of establishing missionary work in India, developing modern missionary methods, and translating Scripture or portions of it into more than a dozen languages can rarely be paralleled.

But Carey knew the agony of crisis. He was forsaken by his fellow missionaries, persecuted by nationals, suffered the loss of a child, lived with his wife’s insanity, and later endured cruel rumors back in England that affected his financial support. He worked for years on major translation projects, only to see the whole work burned in a printing house blaze. He struggled with the political turmoil between Britain and his adopted homeland of India. Yet in every crisis he found refuge in the Lord who redeemed him, and he was able to give comfort and ministry to others as well.

The challenge every church faces is twofold: learn to rest in Christ during crises and minister to others going through crises in the name of Christ.

Sermons in this series

  1. Ministry in Physical Crisis - Mark 5

  2. Ministry in Natural Disaster - Acts 27, 28

  3. Ministry to Persecuted Believers - Acts 12