God knows every detail about you — your likes/dislikes, personal characteristics, locations, family, and so much more. He’s an expert on you. He could write a book about you. He could write THE book about you.

There are over 7.6 billion people on the earth1, and He knows you personally and completely.

God even knows how many hairs are on your head:

“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:26–31 NIV).

How many hairs do humans have on their head? Go look into a mirror and start counting. Impossible, right? Here are some facts:

  • Blondes have about 150,000 hairs.

  • Redheads have around 90,000.

  • If your hair is black or brown, you have about 110,0002.

So the average human head has 100,000 hairs. There are approximately 7,660,000,000 people on the planet. That means God knows the current status of 7,660,000,000,000,000 hairs on human heads. (Yes, some people are bald, but this is an average.) That’s 7.66 quadrillion hairs that God knows quite well.

And that’s just the humans. We haven’t even gotten to the animals.

There are approximately 8.7 million species of animals on the earth. All the animals in all those species (the ones that have hair, and the ones that don’t) — God knows them too. But that’s nothing. He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name (Psalm 147:4 NIV).

There are nine planets in our solar system. Eight if you subtract Pluto. They orbit around the sun. The sun is a star in the Milky Way. The Milky Way has 200 billion more stars that are just like the sun. Planets and moons orbit around each of them too. God has a name for every one of them. In addition to that, there are 100 trillion galaxies in the universe, each with 200 billion stars.

My calculator just exploded, but let’s just say that’s a lot of stars and a lot of names. There are way more stars in the sky than hairs on human heads.

Every hair, every star … God knows them all. So is it possible that He knows your true identity?

Excerpted and adapted with permission from Revealed by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick. Copyright 2019, B&H Publishing Group.


1 You can check the current world population here.

2 https://www.baumanmedical.com/qa/many-hairs-human-head/

Alex Kendrick has dedicated his life to following Jesus Christ and making His truth and love known among the nations. After serving in church ministry for 20 years, he now writes, speaks and produces Christian films with his brothers, Stephen and Shannon. Alex directed the movies Overcomer, War Room, Courageous, Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and Flywheel and co-wrote the New York Times bestselling books The Love Dare, The Resolution for Men, and The Battle Plan for Prayer. He has been interviewed by “Fox & Friends,” CNN, ABC World News Tonight, and serves on the boards of the Fatherhood CoMission and the Christian Film foundation. He and his wife, Christina, live in Albany, Ga., with their six children and are active members at Sherwood Church.

After serving in church ministry for 20 years, Stephen now writes, speaks and produces Christian films with his brothers, Alex and Shannon. Stephen produced the movies Overcomer, War Room, Courageous, Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and Flywheel and co-wrote the New York Times bestselling books The Love Dare, The Resolution for Men, and The Battle Plan for Prayer. He has been interviewed by “Fox & Friends,” CNN, ABC World News Tonight, and serves on the boards of the Fatherhood CoMission and the Christian Film foundation. He and his wife, Jill, live in Albany, Ga., with their six children and are active members at Sherwood Church.

Who am I? It’s a question you might ask yourself a lot, and Revealed, for teen guys and young men, will lead you through an investigation to find the answers.

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