“Who was your favorite teacher in school? And more importantly, why was he or she your favorite?”

I often ask that question at conferences, and the responses always come quick. I hear stories of a third-grade teacher from 40 years earlier. A college physics professor. A high school English teacher who made reading come alive.

As they share their stories, a common theme becomes apparent. They remembered fondly teachers who did something creative to engage their students. They made learning fun.

What would our groups look like if we injected a little “fun” in the way we discovered biblical truth?

The easiest way to teach is to read the commentary and background material and just spit it back to the group (i.e., lecture). It may be easy for the one leading the group, but that doesn’t often translate into learning. For learning to happen, the members of the group need to be engaged.

It’s far better to bring them into a discussion and let them discover on their own the meaning and application of the passage. Don’t tell them what the passage means or how it applies; ask questions to get them dialoguing about answers.

Let’s add to that. If you periodically added a different element — something a little “off the wall” — it would help them see the principle or application in a whole different light. The end result is they remember it better.

There are many ways to insert creative teaching into your Bible study, but let’s keep this short. Let me share one approach I find helpful and memorable.

"If you periodically added a different element — something a little “off the wall” — it would help them see the principle or application in a whole different light. The end result is they remember it better."

Lynn Pryor

Use Objects to Communicate.

  • In a discussion of John 8 (the woman caught in adultery), I passed out rocks. I then told the group, “As I read this passage, look at the rock in your hand.” After I read the passage, it was a fascinating conversation as they discussed what thoughts came listening to John 8 while holding a rock!

  • In preparing a study of Jesus and the woman at the well (John 4), an obvious object you can use to teach about the living water is a water bottle. But you can also take a whole different approach: serve snacks at the beginning of the study, but don’t offer water or drinks. Consequently, the group is more attuned to thirst and the value of water.

  • I’ve worn an odd assortment of clothes (including swim flippers) during a study of Colossians 3, where Paul called us to take off the clothes of the old nature and put on the new. My point was that we look really odd when we try to wear the new nature in Christ but also choose to wear and flaunt pieces of the old nature.)

  • I’ve taught about Samson using the jawbone of a … well, it was a cow, but it could’ve been a donkey.

  • I even brought a lamb to my group when we were discussing the Passover. That was almost 30 years ago, and people in that group still remember the study.

We all learn from discussions, but objects engage our senses — sight, smell, touch — and consequently engage our thinking on a different level. Look at the passage and see what objects come to mind.

This is not something to be done every week. Nor is it something to be forced. But when you can use a physical object to communicate, you grab their attention. The group is pulled into the passage, and because they will remember the point of the study better, they also remember better what they should do with it.

Creative teaching leads to transformational learning.

Lynn Pryor is the publishing team leader for Bible Studies for Life. Lynn and his wife, Mary, have survived raising two sons to adulthood. A graduate of Southwestern Seminary, Lynn has previously pastored and served churches in Texas.

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