CSB Jesus Daily Bible

The CSB Jesus Daily Bible, edited by Dwayne Milioni, Chairman for Pillar Network, features a 52-week guided reading plan that shows Jesus throughout all of Scripture. Day by day, you’ll be led to thematically study Scripture through a weekly introduction, helpful articles and infographics, and a weekly summary to help you understand Jesus’s central role from Genesis to Revelation.

Each week’s reading is structured thematically in a Day 1-5 reading format with a weekly introduction, helpful articles and infographics, and a weekly summary to help readers better understand Jesus’s central role in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Unlike other daily Bibles, the daily reading arrangement is not date specific (e.g., no “January 1”), so you can begin the plan at any point in the calendar year.

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Keep Jesus at the Center of Everything

The CSB Jesus Daily Bible features a 52-week guided reading plan that shows Jesus throughout all of Scripture.

52-week thematic reading plan showing Jesus in all of Scripture

Weekly introductions to set the stage for each week’s reading

Jesus-focused articles, charts, and infographics

Weekly summaries to reinforce applications for life

Dwayne Milioni

Dwayne Milioni

General Editor, CSB Jesus Daily Bible

Dwayne Milioni is a pastor, professor, Co-Founder and Board Chairman of the Pillar Network, and the General Editor of the CSB Jesus Daily Bible. He and his wife Kay moved to the Raleigh area from Virginia, where they both received Masters Degrees. Dwayne graduated with his Ph.D. from Southeastern Seminary, where he enjoys teaching classes in counseling and preaching. Dwayne and Kay have four children: Cameron, Victoria, Derek, and Gabriel.

Try Week 1 of the Reading Plan

Watch each video below for each day and click the button to download a sample of the reading plan for week 1.

Download Week 1-5

Day 1: Genesis 1–5

Day one, read with us Genesis 1–5—creation, fall, and the promise of redemption.

Day 2: Genesis 6–9

Day two, read with us Genesis 6–9—sinfulness, God’s grief, and the renewed covenant after the Great Flood. Loving the helpful charts in the Jesus Daily Bible!

Day 3: Genesis 10–15

Day three, read with us Genesis 10–15—Abraham’s faith and God declaring him righteous, reminding us salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Super exciting!

Day 4: Genesis 16–20

Day four, read with us Genesis 16–20—the covenant repeated, the sign of circumcision, and the promise that all nations would be blessed through Abraham. Loving the wide margins in the Jesus Daily Bible for note-taking!

Day 5: Genesis 21–25

Day five, read with us Genesis 21–25—finishing week one in the Jesus Daily Bible! Don’t miss the Christ-centered exposition, weekly summary, and reflections on kingdom, covenant, and God’s redemption plan.