No one would say that making disciples is easy. But following the Master's method of making disciples provides Christians with an ideal road map for guiding people along the road to spiritual maturity.

Remember first that discipleship is a process, not en event. One does not suddenly "become" a real disciple.

Another fundamental of making disciples is that the focus is always on leading others to become more like Christ. The content always should be related to helping others become more equipped to serve Christ through His bride, the church.

Avery Willis, in MasterLife 4: The Disciple's Mission, provides a simple plan for making disciples based on five clear principles Jesus gave:

1. A discipler models so that the disciple can imitate. Jesus called 12 men to follow Him and learn from Him. When one follows Christ, the intent is to learn how to be what Christ was. As a discipler, our task always is to help others see and learn from our walk with God. As we continue our walk with God, the Holy Spirit helps us maintain a proper perspective on being a positive model for others.

2. A discipler explains so that disciples can learn how to apply. Frankly, sometimes our actions run against the grain of what society considers acceptable. We must be willing to explain why we reject non-Christian values and standards so new Christians and those who want to become disciples can understand what Jesus said and why our actions are important.

3. A discipler coaches others to succeed. Each of us needs someone to encourage and instruct in how to live the Christian life. A coach helps players understand how plays are to be executed in a game. Disciplers help others learn how to live the Christian life, sometimes spending time instructing during personal contact, and sometimes lifting the disciple up after the disciple has failed to "execute" some part of the Christian life.

4. A discipler supports disciples in the growth process. Just as Barnabas was known to be an encourager and support structure, we too should be that kind of discipler. We need to discover ways to spend personal time with those we're discipling, getting to know them and helping them experience the blessing of Christian fellowship.

5. A discipler commissions disciples to live and serve as Christ's messenger to others. Disciplers should help those whom they disciple to know they have mastered the "skills" of the Christian life and that they in turn can become a discipler for others. We cannot read the New Testament without grasping clearly that our task is to learn so that we can teach others. We are to make disciples over and over again.

Discovering our role in the process of making disciples can be an exciting and challenging experience. MasterLife 4: The Disciple's Mission is part of the MasterLife Series, which is designed to help adults grow toward Christian maturity. The MasterLife Book Set is a developmental, small-group discipleship process that helps participants develop a lifelong, obedient relationship with Christ.