Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Don is a successful businessman, active in the community, and faithful to God and to the church. Though he looked fine, he'd been having chest pains, shortness of breath, and a tight feeling. A series of tests confirmed that he was in serious danger of a heart attack, having extensive blockages in five arteries. He was admitted to the hospital immediately and bypass surgery was scheduled for the next day.

Fortunately Don's surgery went well, and he is considerably improved today. But it could have been worse if he'd ignored the warning signs. In the same way, churches have unmistakable indications of good health or of potentially debilitating conditions. Just as medical doctors examine patients for certain signs of health, disease, or injury, it's possible to evaluate churches to determine their degree of health. Some signs are obvious, such as sweet fellowship, vibrant worship, relevant ministries, concern for the lost - all clear signs of health. Yet it's not uncommon to find other signs that tell a different story: open conflict, gossip, criticism, divided leadership, moral failure, unresolved hurts, and lack of commitment to name a few.

We all want to be part of a healthy church. But what indicators show a vibrant, healthy congregation? There's no question that church health is a work of God. But there's also no question that He uses people to accomplish it. As a healthy person gives attention to proper diet, adequate rest, and regular exercise, healthy churches give attention to those things that are most important for their vitality. Let me propose 25 key characteristics or signs of church health, grouped by categories.

Spiritual vitality

Sign #1

The church seeks to know and to follow God's will. They never lose sight of the fact that it's His people, His power, and His purpose and plan. They are committed not only to God's will, but God's way.

Sign #2

Christian growth is emphasized and facilitated. Healthy churches are intentional about helping their people realize God's potential in their lives. They accept the Great Commission - to make disciples - as their reason for existence.

Sign #3

Church members have an attitude of servanthood, not seeking control, power or status. These churches foster a climate where everyone is useful in God's work. They acknowledge Jesus as Lord of the church and know that whatever positions individuals hold are for His glory and the extension of His kingdom.

Sign #4

Church members are faithful in stewardship of time, talents, and treasures. Healthy churches foster a climate of giving, not a concern for getting. Members look for opportunities to help with all that God has entrusted to them.

Sign #5

The church is a place of vibrant, engaging worship. The styles may vary greatly, but their worship touches the heart, engaging and involving people. Those who attend worship in these churches do not doubt that they've been in the presence of God.

Sign #6

Members model purity and integrity and do not ignore sin in the body. They deal redemptively with people, realizing that we're all imperfect. But healthy churches also hold high the standards God has set and they seek to live by them. They don't allow willful, flagrant, unrepentant sin to continue.

Marvin Owen is church health strategist for the Wyoming Southern Baptist Convention, Casper, Wyoming.